In any event, today is a holiday for me, this was supposed to be a snow-make-up-day but school is closed because of the snow and dangerous roads. The irony is almost too perfect to contemplate. I'm sure the administration is steaming mad. I wouldn't give two cents for it at all if I didn't have 75% of my immediate family dependent on whether the schools were open or not. Two teenagers, and Kent teaches high school.
The alarm went clicked on at 5:30 this morning. Bomp Bomp Bomp, went Blue Man Group, and my first two thoughts were:
1. Gotta change that CD, it's been out wake-up music for six months.
2. Gee, wonder if NPS finally posted a "school closed" notice.
Didn't change the cd. NPS did post. Kent asks: Do you really want to get up now? I answer: sure, why not. I make a pot of coffee. I can get ahead in my homework. It's all Access2002 anyway, it's a no-brainer. If I don't get an A in this class I will realy have been lazy. More than lazy. But it's quiet, I can listen to streaming WRHV, one of the local NPR stations, and do homework.